Foster Commodore Kiss Commodore Echo Lululemon Metric Lady Gaga Tuttles Beasty Boy Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Rock Me Amadeus LL Cool Jay Cold Play Zac Brown Ace of Base Finlay Phat Boy Slim Haul ‘N Oats Zac Brown Commodore Go Shorty & Legurio Commodore Boy George Go Shorty Silvado Go Shorty Indian Summer Go Shorty Commodore Nickelback Nickelback Indian Summer Dolce Legurio Silvado Arcade Fire Arcade Fire & Legurio Arcade Fire Kim and Paige – Jr Sportsmanship Award Boy George Year End Awards Go Shorty Pet Shop Boy Legurio Year End Awards Year End Awards Year End Awards Arcade Fire Arcade Fire Above & Beyond Year End Awards Year End Awards Pet Shop Boy & Go Shorty Year End Awards Phat Boy Slim Kim Year End Awards Chalk Circle – Spruce Meadows Silvado Hoof Hearted Hoof Hearted Boy George Aberdeen
Kim’s Students; Past and Present
Kim’s and Client’s Horses; Past and Present